Both buyer and seller are monopolists in a bilateral monopoly. 在双边垄断的情况下,买卖双方均为垄断者。
However, in the case of bilateral monopoly with sole buyer and sole seller, both sides will use strategies, and their actions can be analyzed by game theory. 但是在单一买方对单一卖方的双边垄断的情况下,双方均会施展策略,可以用博弈论分析其中的行为。
It indicates that the market-based reform should be insisted on, but the bilateral monopoly at present is not still a optimum mode and needs to break the monopoly and strengthen the competition further in the power generating and purchasing. 这表明应该坚持引入竞争的市场化改革方向,但需要打破电网公司双边垄断局面,进一步在发电、购电环节引入更充分的竞争。
R& D, Service and Supply Chain of Bilateral Monopoly R&D、服务与双边垄断的供应链
This indicates that the direction of reform through market competition should be continuously carried on, but the bilateral monopoly at present is not yet an optimum mode. The efforts should be made to further break the monopoly, to enforce the competition and to improve the efficiency. 这表明通过引入竞争进行改革的方向是应该坚持的,但目前双边垄断仍不是最优模式,需要进一步打破垄断、加强竞争、提高效率。
Rent-seeking is a prevalent phenomenon in economic activities, it is existed in complete monopoly, bilateral monopoly and government monopoly market. 在完全垄断、垄断竞争或政府干预的市场中,寻租活动是一种普遍的经济现象。
The patent market has the feature of bilateral monopoly. 专利市场具有双边垄断的性质。
On the market of bilateral monopoly structure, however, the prices of weapons, which are often more higher than ordinary level due to asymmetric information, are decided by negotiations or bargaining. 而在垄断-垄断的市场结构下,装备的实际价格则取决于买卖双方的谈判水平和讨价还价能力,实际上,由于信息不对称等原因,由此得出的装备价格常常高出其正常水平。
Bilateral monopoly model is the most basic model in the studying of supply chain management, and it is a ( foundation) to research other complicated models too. 双边垄断模型是供应链管理问题中最基本的模型,也是研究其他复杂模型的基础。
As for river basin water environment management, related functional departments can be divided into three kinds such as departments of general supervision, industry-classified management and comprehensive regulation, which have boundary questions of obligation and come into bilateral monopoly. 就流域水环境管理而言,有关职能部门可分为统一监管、行业分类管理和综合调控管理等三类,彼此存在职责边界问题并形成双边垄断局面。
We consider a supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer in a bilateral monopoly setting. 在第二部分研究中,我们设定在一个由生产商和零售商组成的一个双边垄断环境下的供应链渠道中。
States to adopt anti-monopoly legislation, enter into bilateral, multilateral or regional coordination and cooperation to resolve cross-border mergers and acquisitions monopoly formed. 各国通过反垄断立法,签订双边、多边或区域协调合作来解决跨国并购所形成的垄断问题。
Combined with bilateral monopoly, special interest of departments causes alienation of labor division and decreases efficiency of labor division. 部门特殊利益与双边垄断相结合,造成流域水环境管理分工异化,降低分工效率。